For any online business, figuring out ways to stay in touch with your visitors is key to increasing conversions. Phone calls strike a perfect balance between convenience and personalisation, but it can be difficult to convince people to provide their phone numbers. A way of solving this is by implementing a feature on your site that enables them to request a callback.

What Callbacks Are (And How They Can Help You Increase Conversions)

When it comes to communicating with your site’s visitors, most people rely on email campaigns (EDMs). However, this is far from the only possible approach. For example, you could also use push notifications and even phone calls.

When it comes to phone calls, you have the benefit of speaking directly to the user. Many prefer this type of communication and find them more personal than emails or live chats. The problem is that you may not always be available to take a call, and some users could be hesitant about being the ones to initiate contact in this way.

One way to get around these issues is to implement a way for users to request a callback. This works by them giving you their phone number, at which point you can call them at a time that suits you. This feature can be highly effective for the following reasons:

  • The customer gives you their explicit permission to call them, which means the communication won’t feel like an intrusion.
  • People that request callbacks are often more primed to convert and may just need a little push to get there.
  • Speaking directly to someone can be much more effective from a marketing standpoint than emails.

Adding a feature that enables people to request a callback means you get a chance to land a client that you might not have secured otherwise. It also ensures that you’re in control of your communications at all times.


Getting visitors to share their phone numbers with you can be complicated. However, there are plugins available that add this option for them to request a callback. Once this option is used by your website visitor they know they’re in control of when you’ll contact them and why. That, in turn, can help assuage any privacy concerns they might have.

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